Rich Learning Opportunities

Keeping creativity, first-hand experience and play at the heart of children's learning


Diane Rich has been involved in children’s learning for many years, as play worker, teacher, advisory teacher, researcher, consultant, author, trustee for children’s charities and has been involved in education programmes on television.

She runs Rich Learning Opportunities: keeping creativity, play and first hand experience at the heart of children’s learning.

From 2005-2013 she co-ordinated the work of the What Matters to Children team of consultants.

Diane recently worked as a visiting lecturer at the University of Roehampton.

Diane has a Bachelor of Education degree, Trent Park College and a Master of Philosophy in School Development and Improvement, University of Cambridge.

TV and radio work
Diane Rich has worked as early years consultant for the production of early years video and cd rom materials in conjunction with QCA and TV Junction and also with the Teachers' TV Channel.

Diane was instrumental in the early years workshop programme series of television programmes in conjunction with Television Junction. Teachers' TV programmes are still available on YouTube and www.schoolsworldtv
The Baby Channel invited Diane to advise and take part in their programmes on play.
She has been part of BBC Radio 4’s lunchtime programme ‘You and Yours’ as expert on appropriate provision for children involved in and information and communication technology.

National advisory panels/consultative bodies/trustee membership

Over the years Diane has been involved in

Early Childhood Forum (ECF), hosted by the National Children’s Bureau, representative for Early Education (BAECE)
Early Education (BAECE) -trustee
Effective preschool pedagogy (EPPE) consultative group
Expert advisory panel on national play strategy
Forum for maintained nursery schools in England-convenor
Learning through Landscapes- Vision and Values consultative group (chair)
Local Village Hall -committee member
London Play -trustee and finance committee
National Professional Officer -Early Education
Ofsted National Consultative Forum on Early Years
Primary Umbrella Group (PUG)
QCA Early Years Forum
What Matters to Children -team co-ordinator and member
And other things…