Rich Learning Opportunities

Keeping creativity, first-hand experience and play at the heart of children's learning

Archive articles and publications

Diane Rich is co author of
First-hand experience: what matters to children (2014) Rich, D. Drummond, MJ. Myer. C with Dixon, A.
Learning: what matters to children (2008) Rich, D. Drummond, MJ. Myer, C.
First-hand experience: what matters to children 2005 (Rich, D. Casanova, D. Dixon, A. Drummond, M.J. Durrant, A, Myer, C.)
Continuing the Learning Journey training package with DVD on transition from Reception to Key Stage 1 DfES/QCA 2005
Listening to Young Children, Training the Trainers pack, (Y.P. Lancaster, Scott, W. Rich, D. 2004, The Coram Family Centre: London)

Diane Rich is author of
Listening as a way of life: listening to babies Rich, D. (2004) National Children’s Bureau: London.

More Than Words: children developing communication, language and literacy Rich, D. (2000) Early Education: London.

Diane is regularly invited to write articles in early years and education journals.
Some of Diane Rich's articles can be viewed here

Let's talk about children getting dirty December 2007 Nursery World

Does birth to three matter? Practical Professional Childcare, November 2006

Children as partners
March 2006, Nursery Education journal

Easing transition to Key Stage 1
March 2006, Practical Preschool journal

An awfully big adventure
May 2005, Practical Professional Childcare journal

Focus on childhood: turning aliens into best mates
August 12 2005, Times Educational Supplement

Adding value to boys
October 2005, Professional Practical Childcare journal

Safe to learn: first hand experience
November 2005, Child Education journal

Importance of play
December 2005, Nursery Education journal

Listening as a way of life: listening to babies
is available from the National Children’s Bureau

Bang! Bang! Gun play and why children need it
Summer 2003, Early Education journal

When children play with guns
2003 Practical Preschool journal

Superheroes and weapons play: is it time for a new perspective?
Nov-Dec 2003 Under Five: Preschool Learning Alliance journal

Cover story: play- no time left for escaping?
Nov-Dec 2003. Report: Association of Teachers and Lecturers magazine

Catching children’s stories
Spring 2002, Early Education journal

Her research work has influenced the publications
Relationships and Learning, caring for children from birth to three (Gillespie Edwards, A. 2002, National Children’s Bureau: London )
Integration in Practice (2000, National Children’s Bureau: London).

She was editor of the book series published by Early Education
Not Just Pictures: children developing creativity through art by Cathy Myer
Healthy Young Children: Dr Helen Zealley
More Than Numbers: children developing mathematical thinking by Carole Skinner
The Great Outdoors: developing children’s learning through outdoor provision by Margaret Edgington
More Than Computers: children developing ICT in the early years by Iram & John Siraj Blatchford
and co-editor, with Philippa King, of
More Than Words: children developing communication, language and literacy by Diane Rich